
Friday, February 25, 2011

Thank you for checking us out

Thank you for taking the time to review our new Blog. Growing Solutions Inc. and Sediment Removal Solutions Inc. are striving to exceed the expectations of our customers everyday. This will allow you the customer to get updates as we begin or finish new projects during the season. We will also update this Blog with new products as the become available.

We at Growing Solutions Inc. Thank you for taking the time to review our Blog, please come back soon.

Enviromental Center

Environmental Centers are designed with premise in mind, to catch any spilled liquid or granular product, and keep it from leaving the intended area. As you can see in the picture, this Environmental Center has a Spray Rig storage area, dry fertilizer Storage, chemical load and rinse containment, toxic chemical storage building with 2 hour fire protection. Wash Water Recycling, with grass clipping separation with containment and a Fueling area with containment. This Golf Course Superintendent can fuel their machines, fill there spray rigs, store granular fertilizer, toxic chemicals, and wash the equipment all under one roof with 100% containment. By building an Environmental Center, you will protect your facility, water ways, and neighborhoods from a possible contamination spill.  

Green Acres Country Club Enviromental Center

Coming in the spring of 2011

Makray memorial Wash Water Recycling Area

This wash water recycling system was designed to contain the wash water during a normal day of operation at a 18 hole golf facility. It is equipped two one inch hoses, return sump pump, grass clipping separator and biological tank. 

While the equipment is being washed, the water is pumped to the grass clipping separator. Once the Grass is separated from the water, the water runs into the biological tank, were microbes are used to remove all the petroleum's such as grease, chemicals, oils, fuels, etc.. Once the water is cleaned it re-turns to a 1" hose to clean the next machine. 

Growing Solutions is the premier, Wash water recycling sales, installation and service company in the Midwest.       

Hawthorne Woods Country Club Enviromental Center

Yes this is an Environmental Center. Equipped with a chemical storage, wash water recycling system, fueling area, fill and rinse pad and 100% containment. Thus making it a true Environmental Center. It simply is missing a roof.

Ruth Lake Country Club Enviromental Center

Bowes Creek Country Club / Enviromental Center